Kotlin or Java - Which is better for Android Development

Kotlin or Java - Which is better for Android Development

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About Kotlin

Kotlin is a statically typed language that can compile to Java bytecode. Kotlin applications are written in the Kotlin programming language and can interoperate with existing Java code using its compatibility layer. To execute it, they require a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) runtime along with the standard Android SDK.

Kotlin has been praised for making it easier to write maintainable and readable code without being verbose or verbosely descriptive. It also has more powerful support for data classes than other languages in its class hierarchy which makes it ideal for creating domain-specific languages and DSLs as well.

Why Kotlin?

With the advent of Kotlin, Android development has seen a paradigm shift. Kotlin is a modern programming language that offers many advantages over Java, which is the traditional language used for developing Android apps. It is concise, intuitive and offers better readability than Java. It also has fewer bugs and errors than its predecessor.

Furthermore, it provides developers with more flexibility when it comes to developing applications for Android devices. Kotlin also offers features such as null safety, extension functions and data classes which make development easier and faster compared to Java.

In addition, its interoperability with Java allows developers to use existing code without any additional effort. As a result of all these advantages, more and more developers are turning towards this language for their Android development needs